ONE Magazine. ONE Magazine has been published by ONE, Inc., of Los Angeles for six years. The Mattachine Society is a separate organization, which formerly also had headquarters in Los Angeles. The Mattachine Society publishes a monthly magazine of its own, which is also freely available on newsstands or by mail. The Mattachine Review has been regularly advertised in ONE Magazine, and there is no excuse for anyone repeating the groundless statement that ONE is put out by the Mattachine Society.

I should also like to point out to Martin Haver and to Man's Magazine that although ONE Magazine has been available for some years on the newsstands of many cities we have never had it on any newsstand in St. Louis.

Mr. Haver's statement that "the society has a monthly magazine called


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ONE" takes on a sinister implication in light of his direct and utterly false implication that "the society" is engaged in a gigantic call-house type of operation, and his further allegation that "little is known as to how it precisely operates."

Perhaps little is known to Martin Haver. Perhaps not. But both the Mattachine Society and ONE, Inc., are public organizations. Their operations are public. Both organizations are publicly chartered by the Secretary of State of California. We do not hide our aims, nor attempt to make any secret of our method of operations. We are only too happy to publicize our activities. But the truth, which Mr. Haver could easily have discovered by spending fifty cents on the newsstand, may not have been flamboyant enough for the publishers of Man's Magazine.

We might be grateful to Mr. Haver for saying that ONE's “pages are not filled with gay, or even pornographic material," but we are a bit nonplussed when he goes on to say, "but with clinical information." I don't think we have ever felt the least bit clinical. It is true we have had some articles by doctors and psychiatrists, and even some by writers and intellectuals, but on the whole his description does not seem to indicate that he has ever seen a copy of ONE Magazine, much less read it very carefully.

The implication that anti-obscenity laws and police have not cracked down on ONE Magazine because too many distinguished doctors, etc., are writing for the magazine, is foolish. There have been attempts by various authorities to "crack down" on ONE, and all these attempts have fallen against one simple fact, and that is, that as the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled, "ONE is not obscene."

-John Arnold
